Crest Manor has been established to provide the highest levels of service. Our services provide short term accommodation services for young people. When requested by a Local Authority, Crest Manor accommodation can include our structured support services.

Our accommodation and/or support is specifically for young people between 16-25 years of age, with a specific focus on care leavers who meet Local Authority thresholds for support services.

Crest Manor services are strategically structured in working towards developing or sustaining a young person’s capacity to live independently within the community.

Our supported accommodation plays a valuable contribution towards enabling young people to prepare for independence and developing practical living skills. We are committed to providing excellent standards of provision to our service users.

It is the objective of Crest manor to provide a high-quality service to Local Authorities and to the young persons placed with Crest Manor. Good quality practice is integral to every aspect of the organisation leadership and management practice within Crest Manor.

In preparing the young persons for a more independent life we also offer an accommodation service that is tailored to young people leaving care.


NB – For young persons who are 18+ but are not entitled to Universal Credit (NRPF) – we can still provide this accommodation for them, but the cost will be covered by the referring Local Authority, or maybe met by the young person concerned if such a young person is in employment (This process is detailed in the Crest Manor service leaflet).
Crest Manor

Post 25

Once a young person accommodated at a Crest Manor residence turn 25, the rate they are entitled to for Universal Credit falls to the single room rate. At this point Crest Manor provides young people with a couple of options which will contribute to assisting them in making the choice that best suits them.


  1. Stay put in the accommodation – young persons can decide to stay put in the accommodation and then pay the rent or any shortfall in rent. Young people can choose this option if they are in employment and thereby able to pay their accommodation rent or pay any difference in rent that is in addition to any benefits or other financial support they receive

  3. The Local Authority can negotiate a tailored support package with Crest Manor for young adults post 25 who are at risk, vulnerable or who have a disability
crest manor ltd
Whatever the choice, we are always on hand the assist young people accommodated at Crest Manor in making their choice.
London housing accommodation

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